english 120: controversy, self, and society


It's a nice feeling to know that all of you are enjoying these projects.. I never know how a project's idea will pan out in the classroom. Sometimes it's like throwing darts and hoping to hit a bullseye (which is how I play because I stink). When the idea was brought up to me by Katey Ehrenberg (some of you may have had her last semester) and her office T.A.s, I thought for sure it would make everyone think because immediately I THOUGHT about it. So, hopefully everyone learns and has fun with it (my big goals in any class or project).

As far as these visual presentations go, I am thinking that I'll give each group about 20 minutes to show us the visual and explain it and then sort of sum up what their utopia is all about (plus give reasons why it'll work, etc). After that, the class can ask questions and we'll have a low-key, informal discussion about the utopia being presented. I am going to shoot for 2 groups to go per day. On Tuesday, I'll have a sign up sheet for both the presentations (the day your group presents= the day your paper is due) and the conferences to take place April 8-9. The conference with each group should take maybe 20 minutes.. does that seem like too much or not enough? Does anyone forsee needed class time on April 8th so far? Are groups getting things accomplished at a good pace??

My Thoughts on the War: "Freedom of Speech" is a tricky thing. I still don't get why people condemn others that have opinions that are opposite to them. If that's what they think, then that's what they think, right? I go back and forth on the issue of war all the time. I am told I am a "hippie" when it come to most things, but somedays I just want Saddam gone. Maybe I am a "hippie with attitude"... Someone has to stand up for those people he beats on... but, then again, why does it have to be US all the time!? I am glad I don't have to write a paper about this.


Questions to think on: Will your society allow/want separation of church and state? Freedom of speech? Democracy? A United Nations council?

First page- tell reader organization of paper, introduce your society's basics (name?, rules?, laws?)... Pages 2-9- Describe your elements and/or sections of the utopia... and Page 10 (or more)- tell reader why this utopia will work and conclude as well...

MORE POSSIBLE DEFINITION TOPICS: "famous people" "American food" "non-conformists" "hippie" "old fart" "a girlie girl" "tomboy" ..

Can anyone post some MORE words that need to be defined by us?

Ahh.. a long break with barely anything accomplished. That was a much needed hiatus from academia, huh guys (and girls)?
I didn't do much: slept a lot, corrected 7 papers (hey, at least I got to some of them!), and shopped with money I don't have.

Papers #3 and #4 will be talked about in class today.. #3 is due April 10 and #4 is due when you present with your group. I'll talk a little more, as well, about the end of this semester and the online/paper portfolio and Paper #5.

Only about a month left- WOW! And now the weather is MUCH more bearable.


As much as I love teaching (a close second would be taking my classes), I am glad we have a break coming up next week. I am hoping to score some cheap tickets to Vegas for my sister and I. Something with everything paid so I can just sit by a blue pool, catch some rays, and relax. Ok, and try to win it big on the nickel slots. :-D I wish everyone a happy, relaxing break... drive safetly everywhere (the snow is REALLY coming down today!).. and have fun!

50 degrees by Saturday!!! Holy cow! Bring on SPRING!


Diana, that works.. everyone else, Jenni and Joe.. I have you guys penciled in for those times. See you then.


Hey all. So, my car's cover to the gas cap is frozen. I just sat in Mini Mart's gas parking area smacking the hell out of it (pounding and swearing), but it won't pop open. Then, I tried using my little VW window scrapper to pry it open. No luck. I hate this climate sometimes. Ugh.

Ok- Thanks Jenni for your opinion on Iraq and the war... and your sharing of what March 9th means to you.

The paper's (Paper #2) deadline is 5pm on Friday, March 14th. At conferences, I will be handing out an example (or two) of Paper #3 for you all to view over break. Yea, yea... I know homework will be your last priority over Spring Break, but, hey, at least you'll have something to do on a plane or.... during the last hours on Sunday.. :-)


Openings for conferences next week (post on here as to which one you can make it to):
Tuesday- 8:30, 8:40, 8:50
Wednesday- 3:50, 4:20, 4:30
Thursday- 8:30-9:20 (all 10 min. slots open), 9:40-10:10, 11:10-11:40

REMEMBER: Not attending a writing conference starts your highest grade on the paper at a B.


All of you rule. I am so glad I decided to do a class weblog instead of individual ones. Yippee for me.
Now, to answer some of your ?s, etc:
:::Chad, thanks for the links. That movie is just as insane as the book. But, my prof is cool so I wrote my paper all insane-like too. Weird book = weird paper. Oh, and you're not an idiot. The only colors I remember on a daily basis are the ones for black, white, green (003300), and this red color.
:::Mark- Margaret CHO... YES YES YES. Thank you. I knew there were funny ladies out there. I love her. Note to self for next time.. or do all of you want to watch her sometime this semester yet? Does she have a video out, do you think?? Hm.. I think I should assign myself to watch Comedy Central more.
:::Brady, don't make your paper too depressing. :-)
:::Eric, we just got little e-mails telling us what to do in Minard if a bomb threat occurs. FREAKY stuff!

Note to all: Um, yea, on the syllabus it said that I would talk about Paper #3 on Tuesday. Oops. So, let's plan that for tomorrow, AND we'll push the due date back. I got all caught up in the comedians. Geez. Also, don't let me forget to talk about WA#4 which you'll do over Spring Break...

Spring Break: Anyone going anywhere fun and warm?


I hope you all enjoyed Carlin and Rock this morning... I like to laugh on a daily basis.

I don't know if I am less racist (are we racist at all in simply liking one comedian more than another?) than you, Tom, in liking George Carlin a little more than Chris Rock... I think my bias comes from just reading a lot about him (and I have his book which is hilarious) vs. Chris Rock. Writers and comedians need to talk about what they know (if I was a comedian, I'd make fun of the education system because that's what I know about). Carlin and Rock know a lot about relationships, politics, some of the big issues... George likes to dive into the religion debate and the problems with the English language whereas Chris talks more (on the video we watched actually) about race... and he can (why is that? simply because he's black, it's politically correct? just asking). He mentions later that the most racist man 'out there' is the old black man since he "lived through" the worst racism back in the day and has understood rage because of it. Chris also brings up how fat black women seem the most comfortable (have the highest self-esteem) with how they look in comparison to any other race/age of women.... he also points out that the group of people that get crapped on the most are the American Indians. I wish we could have watched more.

Does anyone else have opinions on these two comedians? Should I do this again next year? Are there any other comedians that would be better OR that should be added to this list of controversial people? Can anyone think of any FEMALE COMEDIANS?

p.s. Tom, thanks for giving Noah a "heads up" on some info. that will help him out... that's what this blog is for! Rock on!

Shoot, should have gotten on the internet yesterday. Ugh. Oh, p.s., I would dial in from my home, but our phone lines disconnect ALL the time. Then again, that saves me from being a technogeek 24 hours a day. Wait, I'm already a geek- D'oh!
::::Answers- Noah, I didn't bring background resources on Carlin or Rock today.. but I have listened to Carlin FOREVER.. and I think we can all bet neither of them had it easy becoming comedians (like all those VH1 behind the music's). Tom, citing a party. Oooh, that's a good one. Let me look it up in one of my geeky handbooks and get back to you.
::::More information on Paper #2- PLEASE DON'T PROCRASINATE! Besides that, please note that I am extremely flexible. If you want to write a paper about how Enya and Moby are similar.. go ahead.. a paper about nursery rhymes and the controversy there- go ahead...
::::Biggest Hint I Can Give- START WRITING.. and STOP ERASING... write write write.. sooner or later you'll pop out good stuff. Trust me. And don't erase, some things can be used somewhere in the paper.


I will NOT have people attacking others on this class blog. WILL NOT. Maybe I needed to bring up the respect issue (on both sides of what is going on here) in 8 am class more. We will respect people outside of class (on this weblog) and in class. THAT is the end of THAT.

Again, like my previous entry, I have to emphasis that this is a discussion-based class unlike English 110. Jenna and Chad and others have noticed that 8am class is not as vocal. (You are all smart.. I read your things- YOU DO have great things to say) THAT'S OKAY- it's just an observation. We will not start some huge argument on this.. especially since the presentations are done after this week. {P.S. Chad wasn't in class Thursday anyhow.}

::::This week- I am planning to show George Carlin tidbits and Chris Rock tidbits in class Tuesday [if anyone has either of these two on tape, and I could borrow them - instead of trying to find 'em myself - email me SOON] and then have discussion on how they make fun of our society, etc plus if there is any truth to what they say, etc.
::::Thursday- MY day to be controversial. My main topic- the Education system.. What is wrong with it? How should English 120 be taught? Why don't students get anything out of high school or colleges? Other related topics like that... On Thursday, we'll do Peer Review #2 in class as well. PLEASE PLEASE ask questions. I DO NOT want this paper to be overally confusing. I want you to have FUN with it! Oh, P.S. signing up for writing conferences will occur Thursday as well.
{P.S. Jake, I don't listen to 2Pac a lot, but I think he does get at the truth sometimes with his lyrics.}

Any other questions about the paper #2?